Sunday, March 05, 2006

At play in the fields of the Lord

Well as part of my Lentian excerizes I "fed the homeless". I thought it would be a horrid chore, but it wasn't.
I'm looking forward to the next night I can do this.
I went to the church to help fix sandwiches. Joy and Jim had done most of the work but I made about 2 dozen sandwiches, helped put them in bags and load the bags in the Salvation Army truck. Then Jim, Ron and I drove around serving soup and sandwiches, but mainly sandwiches to homeless people near the EPA, GSA, on K Street, near Mt. Vernon Sq. going to where the people were. It was great seeing the city at night.
Sometimes doing the Lord's work is so cool. I can't wait for another Sunday night in the Salvation Army van.

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