From Church of the Masses blog, written by an ex-nun now in LA-LA land, in the whole Hollywood scene. She's writing a piece on Carmalite nuns and the nuns are about to die and break out into song (read it
here). Problem for those of us in this day if we were to face our death we'd have no song to sing. That or we wouldn't know all the words. Maybe I could get out Amazing Grace, maybe. I know the words to
Tis a Gift to Be Simple, as thankfully the Shakers were simple people with simple lyrics. Unfortunately, not a song I'd want to face death with. Of my Sunday favs there is
Come thou font of every blessing, which I know all but the last which starts with
O that day when freed from sinning, something something lovely face
I mainly like the song for the part of
"Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of G-d"
Still not a song for the gallows.
I loved the quotes from the post. Which reminded me of a complain Brett had made about someone in the neighborhood who, in his eyes, can't sing. Well I know I can't sing, but it is self expression and so I sing, even if I don't know the words.